Deutsche Welle: “Executives underestimate cybercrime danger”
According to the news site Deutsche Welle, CEOs are unaware about the risks in digital data security. DW publishes a poll study done by Ernst&Young on 400 leader executives on the topic of economic espionage and data theft. According to poll results, while 94 percent of those leaders surveyed talked about the growing danger of cybercrime, 38 percent said they thought the threat to their own firm was rather small. Quote taken from the same news explains situation better.
One-half of those polled said the danger posed to their companies was only moderate, and only one in ten admitted that their firms had been victims of corporate espionage or data theft in the past three years.
“This is far removed from reality,” said Stefan Heissner, a security expert at Ernst & Young. “Our experience tells us that every company faces this risk, not just large corporations.”
He added that many executives do not take the risk seriously enough.
“All information today can be accessed in some way and those who don’t accept that live with a sense of false security,” he said.
MyDLP 64bit Windows Endpoint
MyDLP team proudly introduces MyDLP Endpoint for Windows 7 64bit platform. Finally, it will be possible to protect data on 64 bit Windows 7 systems with an open source solution. We are planning to do the release before end of May.
MyDLP Endpoint uses file system minifilters to control hardware related things such as removable media usage. Kernel mode software must be digitally signed to be loaded on x64 versions of Windows Vista and later versions of the Windows. Since minifilters are kernel mode software we have to digitally sign some parts of 64bit MyDLP Endpoint package before release and obtain a commercial code publishing certificate from a certificate authority. We currently use self signed certificates for testing and development purposes but this method is not suitable for production systems.
MyDLP Howto in Russian
Now, MyDLP Installation HowTo is in Russian. We love our contributors
Very special thanks to
MyDLP HowTo in Vietnamese
Thanks to, MyDLP Installation Howto is now in Vietnamese.
You can check out this document from here:
MyDLP on ICAP-Forum
MyDLP took its place in ICAP-Forum. Thanks to Martin Stecher.
“MyDLP is an open source data leak prevention project that enables organizations to identify and protect their sensitive data. MyDLP helps prevent data leakage through data transmission including Web, email and removable devices. ICAP, as an open standard, provides us the necessary content information in a solid way and helps us to identify data leakage over Internet. ICAP reduces complexity, increases focus on content for us. Moreover, another important aspect is the interoperability between different proxy manufacturers which support ICAP. This causes less dependency and helps MyDLP to penetrate market easier.”
MyDLP on HowtoForge
A howto about installing and using MyDLP has been published on
Check it out
MyDLP Virtual Appliances Re-Freshed
Now MyDLP crew started to create virtual appliances in a periodical manner. You can access new virtual applicances from download page.
News from virtual appliances:
* OVF 1.0 format support added
* VmWare Studio based virtual appliances easy to install and start
* Latest stable version added
* All Vmware versions supported
MyDLP on Earthweb
According to the article written by Cynthia Harvey, in Earthweb MyDLP is a good open source replacement for RSA Data Loss Prevention Suite, CheckPoint DLP Software Blade, Symantec Data Loss Prevention Product Family.
For the rest of the article:
Squid timeouts
If your users generally upload file with larger sizes then usual, you may need to modify Squid timeout options. Because, when MyDLP is inspecting big files (generally several times compressed files ), total inspection time increases naturally. And as a result, Squid could give timeout errors instead of waiting MyDLP.
To make Squid wait MyDLP, in /etc/squid/squid3.conf you should modify these parameters as;
read_timeout 30 minutes
request_timeout 30 minutes
persistent_request_timeout 30 minutes
pconn_timeout 30 minutes
Today, these worked great for us.
Diskd seems better than aufs
Yesterday, in our Squid cache optimization trials “aufs” created problems. We have seen warning lines about “queue congestion in disk I/O operations” in cache.log and at the same time we have detected unreturned HTTP requests.
Then, we have tried “diskd” engine for cache storage system. Results were wonderful. After switching to “diskd”, warning lines or unreturned requests were disappeared.
Difference between “aufs” and “diskd”, in order to avoid blocking Squid main process with disk I/O requests, “aufs” delegates these requests to new POSIX threads, “diskd” delegates them to another separate process. And in our site, “diskd” gives better results.
I guess we’ll continue with “diskd”.